SeaV Detector

What is it?
The SeaV detector is the software that monitors the pellets in the cages. It does so by continuously analysing the video from the SeaV camera sensor.
For each camera, 1000s of images get analysed every hour.

It has been used in demanding production environments for about 8 years now.

Background and reasoning
The reason we developed this piece of software was that we could see that using under-sea cameras was a piece of the puzzle but it wasn’t enough.
Cameras alone weren’t producing the biological gains we had expected.
The main reason was that it is too strenuous for humans to closely monitor a lot of cameras for any significant periods of time.
Enter computers – computers are perfect for long-running arduous tasks.
So we built the detection software – not to replace the human but to make their life easier.

Installation and use
Usually the SeaV Detector is installed on a single server placed on the feeding barge. SeaV receives video feeds from all cages and analyses all feeds simultaneously in real-time. One server can analyse 200+ images per second. 

The SeaV detection’s  can be presented in different ways and platforms. One is on the website with live cameras.

Graphically on the website.

On Mobile browser or SeaV Mobil App.

The SeaV Detector user interface can run on LAN, VPN and/or the Internet. It’s perfect for both local and remote work places. All data, such as detections, alerts and video clips are stored on the local server and syncronized to an Internet server and/or to a server on the extranet.  

The SeaV Detector is built on modern technologies. It is continuously updated. Updates and improvements automatically pushed out to the customers every month.